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Day: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: Wine Bar at Balgowlah RSL, Ethel St, Seaforth
or by Zoom. Contact us for the link
Contact Us
Mail: PO Box 402, Seaforth 2092
Contact us for Zoom meeting details
During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we are meeting via Zoom as well as face to face.
Join our meeting ID Number 556-063-2371
Get in Touch
Have a Question? or a Comment? Please use this form to send us your message. We'll be in touch with you soon.
What is OneMeal?
OneMeal is fully staffed, managed and operated entirely by volunteers to provide food for people in need on the Northern Beaches.
Food is collected from local restaurants, supermarkets and manufacturers. Cooking and portion preparation is done by many volunteers and then orders are assembled in the hub facility in Brookvale for delivery to people in need.
How did we get involved?
Rotary Balgowlah Club asked where our members could contribute and OneMeal needed support delivering meals.
What we do.
Balgowlah Rotary provides a team of two members each week to work alongside other volunteers, delivering meals, prepared by OneMeal to homes and places that need assistance.
Balgowlah Rotary is also proud to be working alongside OneMeal in providing flood relief funds to our local community. It is incredibly inspiring to see the dedication of the volunteers and the positive impact they have on our community. Thank you, OneMeal, for all that you do!
How can I participate?
What is it?
Our club is collecting "Return and Earn" bottles & cans to raise money for our charitable youth projects.
How it works:
It as simple as saving your 10 cent refundable empties which we will collect monthly.
Starter kits to put empties in are available.
The benefits to our community:
Balgowlah Rotary values the important work done by community organisations that focus on youth support.
RECYCLE FOR ROTARY aims to help.
One of several project Rotary Balgowlah is supporting is the StreetWork program Kickstart, to mentor disadvantaged youth and develop a plan that reflects their needs and aspirations to make better life choices.
Streetwork is a charity that assists at risk young people in Sydney’s North get their lives back on track.
More information:
This project will also help our environment.
Keep Australia Beautiful endorses this project.
How can I participate?
Visitors always welcome
1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Wine Room
Balgowlah RSL
Please contact us for the link
Contact Us
PO Box 402
Seaforth 2092
© Copyright 2020 Rotary Club of Balgowlah Australia | Website with MOBLE